Landlords Insurance Protection
At Dixons Commercial Insurance Brokers we welcome helping Landlords based in the UK & Overseas to ensure your properties are fully protected.
We are a specialist broker that arranges Buildings Insurance for all types of residential landlords whether UK based or living overseas (non-domiciled).
Our policy covers usually include:-
Landlords Contents
Loss of Rent
Property Owners and Employers Liability
often with no additional cost.
Other covers such as Terrorism, Legal Expenses and Rent Protection as well as Landlord Emergency Assistance can also be arranged.
With access to a very wide variety of quality insurers, including bespoke schemes and facilities, will try to help you find the right cover at a competitive price.
We have access to products that will consider Non-Standard trades/occupations as follows:
- Owner Occupied who rent out rooms (excluding their Contents as Personal Liability)
- Second Home / Holiday Homes – UK based risks (even if owner lives abroad)
- Single flats in a block
- Flood exposures
- Non-standard construction
- Contents & Loss of Rent only
- POL only
- HMO’s
- Students
- Air Bnb
- Claims
- Listed Buildings
- Convictions
- Property Undergoing Works
- Unoccupied Properties
Our Team have a wealth of experience, specifically in property insurance, and customer care is a top priority.
With our hands on approach to handling claims you can rest assured that your properties are in safe hands, helping you through the good and the bad times.
We will help arrange the repairs, get estimates authorised by insurer and settlement offers together as quickly as possible.
Looking for a quote?
If you have one property or 100 simply complete the contact form below, upload your current insurance covers and we will contact you to discuss further.