AGEAS Covid-19 Update

With the ongoing COVID-19 situation, we appreciate that you may still have to leave your premises temporarily unoccupied. As the world adapts to the ‘new normal’, insurers continue to monitor the situation and update policy wording to ensure that your property remains adequately covered during these difficult times. Below is their most recent update.
Most of our products and schemes have unoccupancy conditions that set out what cover will be maintained including; when that will be restricted, and what actions policyholders need to undertake.
Where any premises becomes temporarily unoccupied as a consequence of COVID-19, we’ll not restrict cover from the time the unoccupancy starts, until such time as the restrictions on premises being used or occupied are lifted. This is subject to our policyholders using best endeavours to manage their premises; including appropriate security measures while they are closed.
The premises should be visited by the insured (or their representative) at least weekly to make sure it remains safe and secure, while adhering to governmental advice and action.
As travel and essential work rules change, we anticipate that our policyholders should be in a better position to adhere to best endeavours conditions in full.
There is no need to notify us of the unoccupancy, where it occurs as a result of COVID-19.
As our policyholders return to a premises, you may still only be using part of your premises or using the premises for shorter periods than normal. This would be deemed occupied but policyholders should refer to their specific wording definitions and conditions to fully understand whether any restrictions or limitations apply. Policyholders should of course continue to ensure reasonable actions to secure buildings that are not in full use and manage the premises to limit risks of loss.
This amended approach began on 24 March 2020 and will apply until the 11 August 2020. If your premises remains unoccupied after this point, then we request that you contact us as soon as possible to review your individual needs – as you may require a change to their cover.
If you would like us to clarify your insurers stance or advise you on the steps that you should be taking to safeguard your premises, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to assist.