Ageas – COVID-19 update

Given the current situation, we appreciate that you may have had to temporarily leave your premises unoccupied due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Ageas have issued the following update:
Most of the Ageas products have unoccupancy conditions that set out what cover will be maintained including; when that will be restricted, and what actions policyholders need to undertake
Where any premises becomes temporarily unoccupied as a consequence of COVID-19, we’ll not restrict cover from the time the unoccupancy starts, until such time as the restrictions on premises being used or occupied are lifted.
This is subject to policyholders applying appropriate best endeavours to manage their premises, including appropriate security measures while they are closed, and adhering to governmental advice and action.
You don’t need to notify us of the unoccupancy, where it occurs as a result of COVID-19.
This amended approach will apply for the next 60 days (from 24 March 2020). We may (subject to review) extend this period further
If you have any question please contact us below, Keep safe and keep washing those hands!