Is your business protected again Phishing Scams?
As businesses evolve and become ever more reliant on technology, the risks from suffering a loss related to problems with their computer systems, or from holding sensitive customer data, continue to grow and can lead to lost revenue, a damaged reputation, and legal and regulatory costs, not to mention the associated business disruption.
This has been highlighted some case we have seen in the news recently:
At Dixons insurance we have access to some great Cyber Liability products that will cover the following:
Breach Cost
Insurers offer practical support in the event of a data breach (electronic or otherwise) including forensic investigations, legal advice, notifying customers or regulators, and offering support such as credit monitoring to affected customers.
Cyber Business interruption
Insurers will provide compensation for loss of income, including where caused by damage to your reputation, if a hacker targets your systems and prevents your business from earning revenue.
Hacker Damage
Insurers will reimburse you for the costs of repair, restoration or replacement if a hacker causes damage to your websites, programmes or electronic data.
Cyber Extortion
Insurers will protect you if a hacker tries to hold your business to ransom with any final ransom paid, as well as the services of a leading risk consultancy firm to help manage the situation.
Privacy Protection
Insurers will pay to defend and settle claims made against you for failing to keep customers’ personal data secure. We will also pay the costs associated with regulatory investigations and settle civil penalties levied by regulators where allowed.
Media liability
Cyber policies also includes protection if you mistakenly infringe someone’s copyright by using a picture online for example, or inadvertently libel a third party in an email or other electronic communication.
Want to discuss further
If you or your business would like to learn more about how to protect your business in todays online world please give on of our expert advisers a call on 01727 736970.